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You are here: Home >> Take Action >> Giving Options >> Planned Giving >> Bequests


Through your will or living trust, you can designate FaithTrust Institute to receive a specific dollar amount or asset, a percentage of your estate or the residuum after other designations are fulfilled. This allows you access to your assets as long as you live with the possibility of leaving a magnificent gift to help ensure that FaithTrust Institute endures and prospers.

An unrestricted bequest enables us to use your gift where it will have the greatest impact. However, if you wish to fund a specific area or interest, you can specify a restricted bequest. Please contact us before specifying a restricted bequest so we can make sure we can meet your intentions.


  • Simple and inexpensive to establish
  • Allows you to retain current assets and income while eventually making a significant contribution
  • Can be changed or amended anytime during your life
  • Qualifies for state tax deduction

View sample bequest language [PDF]

For more information, contact Jane Fredricksen, Executive Director, at 206-634-1903 ext.25 or

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