Clergy Sexual Abuse Bibliography
James Evinger's Annotated Bibliography of Clergy Sexual Abuse
by James S. Evinger, Rochester, New York
38th Revision (04/2022)
James S. Evinger has been involved with the prevention and intervention of sexual boundary violation cases in religious communities since 1995.
This extensive annotated bibliography on clergy sexual abuse provides resources on sexual boundary violations within the religious community. While the bibliography focuses on the position and role of clergy, the concept of sexual boundary violation by someone in a religious role is applied here to include other positions that also involve fiduciary trust and power (for example, a missionary or youth worker).
The bibliography is divided into four parts: Introduction, Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Materials are arranged primarily by type and then alphabetically by author. The annotated entries are descriptive and intended to summarize the contents of the work in relation to the focus of this bibliography.
Introduction (PDF, 31 pages, 291 KB)
Description of the Purpose, Scope, Sources, and Content
Part 1 (PDF, 720 pages, 6.7 MB)
I. Non-Fiction Books, Book Chapters, Monographs, Booklets, and Packets
Part 2 (PDF, 680 pages, 6.3 MB)
IIa. Academic and Religious Articles and Papers from Academic and Religious Journals, World Wide Web, and Religious Magazines, Newsletters, News Services, and Pamphlets
IIb. Quantitative Research – Primarily Articles
IIc. Qualitative Research - Primarily Articles
Part 3 (PDF, 529 pages, 4.8 MB)
IId. Law Review, Legal Journal, and Legal Resource Articles
III. Unpublished Papers and Presentations
IV. Articles from Secular Newspapers, Newsweeklies, Magazines, Newsjournals, News Services, and the World Wide Web
V. Broadcast Materials from Sexual News Media: Videotapes, DVD Videodiscs, and Audiotapes
VI. Documentaries
VII. Reports Issued by Formal Inquiries
VIII. Novels, Fiction, Plays, Cinema, Art, Photography, and Poetry
IX. Theses and Dissertations
X. Training and Educational Materials
XI. Non-English Books and Articles, Not Annotated
XII. Archival Materials to Locate
XIII. Materials to Locate